Maurizio Seracini

Founder, Editech Art & Science Srl, Florence, Italy
"Join me on the 9th of March 2019 where I will be speaking alongside Verisart, RunwayML and Thread Genius (acquired by Sotheby's 2018) on AI Innovations. I will be giving insights on how applied science and AI can help in the authentication on works of art. Learn more on the overview page and register now to be part of this."

Editech Art & Science Srl is the first private center in Europe of APPLIED SCIENCE FOR AUTHENTICATION AND DIAGNOSTICS OF WORKS OF ART

Since mid ’70, Maurizio Seracini, with his background in biomedical engineer and art history, pioneeredthe use of multi-spectral diagnostic imaging, analytical diagnostics and other advanced technologies tostudy art.In 1977, Seracini established Editech (Electronics, Diagnostics and Technology), a Florence-based company that was the first private center in Europe to apply engineering sciences to the study of culturalheritage. His scientific methodology has become a standard for scientific authentication and state ofconservation of works of art. He has studied more than 3500 works of art, including Leonardo Da Vinci'sLast Supper, Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli's Allegory of Spring, Raphael’s Madonna of the Goldfinch andCaravaggio’s Medusa. From 1975 to 2013, he was the scientific director of the Leonardo Project in search of the long-lost Leonardo’s mural The Battle of Anghiari in the Hall of the 500 in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, a project sponsoredby the Armand Hammer Foundation, the Kress Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution and the KalpaGroup of Loel Guinness.In 2007, he founded the Center for Interdisciplinary Science for Art, Architecture and Archaeology (CISA3)at the University of California San Diego's California Institute for Telecommunications and InformationTechnology (Calit2). He was the director of CISA3 until 2013.A former National Geographic Fellow, in 2017 the Royal Photographic Society awarded him for his advances and breakthroughs in the application of Scientific Imaging to the world of Art and Cultural Heritage.Since 2017, Seracini has joined SDSU to teach how to use applied sciences to fight art crimes.In 2018 he was the key note speaker at the AIA (Authentication in Art) congress in Amsterdam.Seracini’ s work has been highlighted in TED talks, and documentaries featuring his work can be seen onthe National Geographic, Smithsonian, and BBC channels. Also, his work was an inspiration for author DanBrown's book, The Da Vinci Code.