The first book dedicated to the management of private art collections

© Author, Alessia Zorloni
Book presentation organized in Milan, in cooperation with Deloitte Italy © Deloitte
Book presentation organized in Milan, in cooperation with Deloitte Italy © Deloitte
© Alessia Zorloni
About the Author :

Alessia Zorloni is Co-Director of the Executive Masterin Art Market Management at IULM University of Milan and Adjunct Professor of Economics and Management of Art at Catholic University, Milan, Italy. She alsoregularly holds lessons on the protection and valuation of family artcollections at the Italian Family Officer Association (AIFO). Beside heracademic work, Dr. Zorloni is Of Counselof Art Law department at CBA Studio Legale e Tributario. She regularly advises publicand private collectors in the acquisition, sale and management of their worksof art providing them with assistance in all aspects of the art collectingprocess.

Prior to joining CBA, Alessia worked as an AssociateResearcher at The Boston Consulting Group in the Milan office and at the WienKunsthalle. Alessia has been a visiting scholar at the Tate Modern, GuggenheimFoundation and at the Smithsonian Institution, where she has been awarded theSmithsonian’s Fellowship in Museum Practice.

Alessia received a Ph.D in Communication Economicsfrom IULM University of Milan and a Master’s Degree in Arts Management fromCity University, London. She is the author of more than 30 publications, amongwhich the books Art Wealth Management.Managing of Private Art Collections (Springer 2016) and The Economics of Contemporary Art. Markets,Strategies and Stardom (Springer 2013), a best-selling book on thecontemporary art markettranslated in Italian, Chinese and Persian. She is also a contributorwriter for Flash Art, Il Giornale delle Fondazioni and PRIVATE the magazine of Private Bankingand Wealth Management, covering topics such as art investments and foundationsestablished by private art collectors.

Dr. Zorloni has given keynote lectures and workshops at avariety of national and international cultural institutions including EstonianAcademy of Arts (Tallinn), Bocconi University (Milan), University of Zurich (Zurich), ArtExperts+, (Dubai), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf), and Christie's (London).

About the Author :

Alessia Zorloni is Co-Director of the Executive Masterin Art Market Management at IULM University of Milan and Adjunct Professor of Economics and Management of Art at Catholic University, Milan, Italy. She alsoregularly holds lessons on the protection and valuation of family artcollections at the Italian Family Officer Association (AIFO). Beside heracademic work, Dr. Zorloni is Of Counselof Art Law department at CBA Studio Legale e Tributario. She regularly advises publicand private collectors in the acquisition, sale and management of their worksof art providing them with assistance in all aspects of the art collectingprocess.

Prior to joining CBA, Alessia worked as an AssociateResearcher at The Boston Consulting Group in the Milan office and at the WienKunsthalle. Alessia has been a visiting scholar at the Tate Modern, GuggenheimFoundation and at the Smithsonian Institution, where she has been awarded theSmithsonian’s Fellowship in Museum Practice.

Alessia received a Ph.D in Communication Economicsfrom IULM University of Milan and a Master’s Degree in Arts Management fromCity University, London. She is the author of more than 30 publications, amongwhich the books Art Wealth Management.Managing of Private Art Collections (Springer 2016) and The Economics of Contemporary Art. Markets,Strategies and Stardom (Springer 2013), a best-selling book on thecontemporary art markettranslated in Italian, Chinese and Persian. She is also a contributorwriter for Flash Art, Il Giornale delle Fondazioni and PRIVATE the magazine of Private Bankingand Wealth Management, covering topics such as art investments and foundationsestablished by private art collectors.

Dr. Zorloni has given keynote lectures and workshops at avariety of national and international cultural institutions including EstonianAcademy of Arts (Tallinn), Bocconi University (Milan), University of Zurich (Zurich), ArtExperts+, (Dubai), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf), and Christie's (London).

This book offers an overview of how to manage private art collections, providing essential insights on art wealth management, art investment, art governance, and succession planning for art assets. Throughout history, art patronage has played an important role in the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth families and led to private museums funded by philanthropist collectors in order to celebrate their own tastes and leave a lasting legacy. Today, as a result of the growth of art investing by a new generation of wealthy collectors, not only wealthy families, but also sophisticated investors and their close advisors now face a more complex set of financial and managerial needs. As such, the contributions in this book will be of interest to collecting families, family offices, and professional advisors seeking to integrate art into their overall wealth management strategy. With chapters written by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Magnus Resch, Randall Willette, Antonella Ardizzone and Sonia Pancheri, the book gathers together interviews with the most renowned collectors and museum directors working internationally, including Enea Righi, Bruna and Matteo Viglietta,Harald Falckenberg, Tony Salamè, Donald and Mera Rubell, Ramin Salsali, Uli Sigg, Renate Wiehager, Marina Dacci, Massimo Lapucci, Julia Peyton-Jones, Lars Nittve, James Bradburne and Elizabeth Macgregor.

Click Here to read Alessia Zorloni's interview on the sidelines of UNFOLD Art XChange's inaugural edition with ArtDependence, Etienne Verbist.

The volumeis organized as follows. The first chapter “Turning Collections intoPhilanthropic Opportunities”, written by Alessia Zorloni and MagnusResch, analyses the global rise of private museums, providing insight intothe motivations of museum founders and discussing today’s challenges. Planninghow to transfer a family collection to the next generation can be one of themost critical aspects of building and maintaining a successful financial plan.The second chapter, “Financial and Estate Planning for Art Assets”,written by Alessia Zorloni and Randall Willette, examines therole of art in the overall wealth management strategy of sophisticatedcollectors and the issues they face in managing a private art collection. Itsconclusion offers general recommendations on what constitutes sound artgovernance in order to preserve and protect art assets. In the third chapter, “Assessingand Improving the Effectiveness of Private Art Museums”, Alessia Zorloniaddresses a practical managerial problem—how to design a performance frameworkfor private art foundations—and aims to construct a model using balancedscorecard (BSC) architecture, which integrates quantitative and qualitativecriteria and examines performance and accountability expectations from both aninternal perspective and an external, public-oriented perspective. In this way,philanthropic funders can better define, assess, and improve theireffectiveness—and, as a result, their intended impact. Chapter “CelebrityEffect in the Contemporary Art Market”, written by Alessia Zorloni and Antonella Ardizzone, shows the results of empirical researchconducted on a sample of the 155 most famous contemporary artists in the worldin order to analyze the competitive dynamics regulating the system ofcontemporary arts. In the chapter “Deepening Business Relationships ThroughArt”, Alessia Zorloni introduces a framework to show how successfulbrands take advantage of the unique characteristics of the arts and lay thefoundations for a series of case study analyses exploring the links betweenfine arts and luxury brands. The last chapter, “The Art Collector betweenPrivate Passion and Philanthropy”, written by Patrizia Sandretto ReRebaudengo, gathers together interviews with renowned private collectorsworldwide and offers privileged access to firsthand information on aspectsrelated to creating and managing a private art collection. Finally, the textconcludes with an appendix edited by Sonia Pancheri, with a list of themost important private museums worldwide and their founders. Private museumsfeatured (selection): Glenstone Museum, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art,Fondazione Prada, Museum of Old and New Art, The Broad, Punta della Dogana,Crystal Bridges Museum, Long Museum, Lyon Housemuseum, Museum Frieder Burda,Sammlung Boros, Julia Stoschek Collection, Sammlung Goetz, Saatchi Gallery,Zabludowicz Collection, Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art and Museo Jumex.